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Introducing Problem: This is a multi year-old Caucasian female who was confessed to Doctors Hospital Psychiatric Unit 4 South because of ...
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Alan Poe - 1074 Words
Edgar Alan Poe s short story The Cask of Amontillado is the typical example on how revenge can cause a man to murder without a conscious. This shouldn’t be anything new to someone is versed in Edgar Alan Po’s literature because he is best known for his tales of mystery and macabre. Merriam-Webster definition of Macabre can be described as, â€Å"having death as a subject: comprising or including a personalized representation of death †. It can be said the character Monstresor has revenge saturating in his head, causing him to plot how he would kill Fortunato. There are indications that some ideas from Sigmund Freud can be seen throughout this short story. Sigmund Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to†¦show more content†¦It should be stated that this concept as drawn criticism from other theorist but nonetheless, Freud’s model has led to many advances in the field of psychology. This theory divides the mind into three structures which are the â€Å"id,†â€Å"ego,†and the â€Å"superego.†The â€Å"id†can consist of humanity’s most primitive desires to satisfy its biological needs unconsciously. Superego, which is also unconscious, contains the socially-induced conscience and counteracts the id with moral and ethical prohibitions. Then you have conscious ego which is the mediator between the two. A conscious mind is what someone is aware of at any given moment. For example, it is made aware to the readers that Fortunato had been drinking when Monstresor seen him at the carnival. It stated. â€Å"It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season, that I encountered my friend. He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much (Poe, 2008).†Then you have the preconscious which is â€Å"part of the mind below the threshold of immediate conscious awareness, from which memories and emotions that have not been repressed can be brought into the conscious field (psychoanalysis, 2o15).†It is also described as available memory and something can be easily remembered such rules. For Monstresor, his preconscious knew that a man like Fortunato would never pass up an opportunity to
Monday, December 16, 2019
Miss Brill Free Essays
The selected passage is from the end of the short story Miss Brill, beginning where Miss Brill sees the boy and girl who sits down on the bench near her right to the end of the story. In â€Å"Miss Brill,†by Katherine Mansfield, we are introduced to the titular woman called Miss Brill who finds Sundays magical until she is forced to step out of her daydream and face reality. Every Sunday Miss Brill, who is presumed to be an English school teacher, goes to the Jardins Publiques and takes her â€Å"special seat†to look forward to listening to the conversations of others. We will write a custom essay sample on Miss Brill or any similar topic only for you Order Now This lonely older woman eavesdrops on others and starts to view everything she observes on Sundays in the form of a choreographed theatrical performance in which everything, herself included, plays a role. This is a place where she feels as though she â€Å"belongs†, in a sort of unreal drama that is conjured up in her own mind. However, one Sunday her fantasy is shattered by the inconsiderate and harsh remarks of a young couple. Mansfield shows us how hurtful the truth can be to people who haven’t realized or accepted the reality in which they live. The narrative is focalized through the character of Miss Brill and this allows the reader to see what the character sees and feel what the character feels. Katherine Mansfield exhibits a detailed characterization of Miss Brill. We see everything through the eyes of Miss Brill, and through dramatic irony we often see or comprehend situations differently and perhaps more accurately than she does. Through it, it can be seen that in reality, Miss Brill is constantly by herself, she sits alone on a bench with her old fur that she seems to treasure more than anything and watches the world pass before her. The furpiece can be thought of as a symbol of the owner. Both are of an age and the appearance of the thing itself is wearing down, just as the frail Miss Brill is. She sees other people sitting on benches Sunday after Sunday and thinks of them as â€Å"funny†¦ odd, silent, nearly all old†¦ as though they’d just come from dark little rooms. †Rather than see herself as one of them, she creates a fantasy world to escape facing the truth. The two minor characters that appear in the excerpt are the boy and girl who sits down on the bench. They appear to be the â€Å"hero and heroine†of Miss Brills imagination as they were described as being â€Å"beautifully dressed; they were in love. The hero and heroine, of course, just arrived from his father’s yacht. †Katherine Mansfield used the two characters to reveal the fragility of Miss Brill by having her â€Å"prepared to listen†to what they say, even though in the end thetruth that they talk about hurts her deeply. The young couple ridiculesand make fun of the â€Å"stupid old thing at the end there,†and in that instant her dream crumbles. They voice a reality that Miss Brill has been running away from and as they say â€Å"why does she come here at all – who wants her? †Through the minor characters, Miss Brill’s delusional nature is revealed as she has been rejecting reality all this time, trying to hold on to her illusions. Yet also exhibiting her fragility when in after she hears the couple’s conversation, she ceases to be able to carry on per usual. After her fantasy world is shattered, Miss Brill solemnly walks home, passing up things that she used to look forward to like the slice of honey-cake that was her Sunday treat. She sits on her bed, puts the fur back in its box, and thinks she hears something crying. The fur is symbolic of something old and lonely that has lost its beauty over the years. The symbolism of putting the fur back in its box is like placing dreams away. And in the end, it is not the fur that is crying, but Miss Brill. Her fantasy is over and the truth of her sad reality sinks in to her. How to cite Miss Brill, Papers Miss Brill Free Essays Mansfield did a really good Job at using theme through characterization. She first used Miss Broil’s attitude and appearance. Miss. We will write a custom essay sample on Miss Brill or any similar topic only for you Order Now Brills was a very classy old lady, â€Å"Miss Brills was glad that she had decided on her fur. †Back in the period that Miss Brills lived, it was very elegant to wear a type of fur around your neck, this usually symbolized wealth. The theme here would be acceptance, this connects to the world because there is always that one piece of clothing everyone wants or wears as a status symbol. The author also uses characterization through action or incident when Miss Brills is in her own world acting as if she is part off play when two young people pull her back to reality. †It’s her if-our which is so funny, â€Å"giggled the girl. â€Å"It’s exactly like a fried whiting. †This shocks Miss Brills because she has never experienced insult before, she’s always controlling what she wants to see and hear. When the young couple makes fun of her fur she realizes that she doesn’t live in a fantasy and she has a hard time handling that. The theme here is reality. All of us have that escape, we can think of something and our whole attitude changes like Miss Brills, and maybe hat’s what some of us need an escape from the harsh world that is reality. The author portrayed Miss Brills as a very detailed emotional character from the beginning. The section that most symbolized that emotion was â€Å"on her way home she usually bought a slice of honey- cake at the baker’s. It was her Sunday treat; sometimes there was an almond in in her slice, sometimes not. It made a great difference. â€Å"If there was an almond it was like carrying home a little tiny present. †This one simple thing impacted her whole entire day. That single almond determined either or not she was going to have a good day or a bad day. It’s really sad that all Miss Brills had to look forward to what may be the possibility an almond in her honey- cake. This relates to society because there are a lot of people who are introverts, and rely on a tiny piece of glory like Miss Brills does. Human society is so obsessed with what we have going on that we don’t branch out and interact with other people, which makes it hard for people like Miss Brills to fit in or feel important. Tibias Wolff used characterization through Hunters in the snow really well, with Tub, Frank and Kenny. Tibias used the theme reflection for Tub as well as physical characterization, â€Å"You ought to see yourself,†the driver said. â€Å"He looks Just like a beach ball with a hat on, doesn’t he? Doesn’t he, Frank? †People Judge people everyday because of their weight, what clothes they wear, what backpack they have and whom they hang out with, our society is based on prejudices, seen in the real world as well as the book. Jenny’s characterization would definitely be through his dialogue because he was just like every bully in the world, â€Å"Okay,†Kenny said. â€Å"l wont say a word. Like I won’t say anything about a certain babysitter. †He’s using the theme of power he thinks he has with something someone willingly trusted him with and using it against him, people do this when they want something or they are Just rude. As for Frank his characterization and theme was shown through his emotion, â€Å"l mean _really_ in love. †He squeezed Tub’s wrist. â€Å"With your whole being. †Frank was a very emotional person, you saw it through the way he treated Tub, and he was torn because if he didn’t act like Kenny, Kenny would have mistreated his deepest secret. Frank also had relations with a babysitter, which he thought he loved; this may have Just been a cover up, for his unwillingness to want to grow older. She possibly made him feel alive again. This happens in real life too people get to a certain age where they want to feel young again, so they make modifications to their body and their life style. These authors did a really amazing Job at using characterization through their stories I really felt like I understood the characters and what they were going through and how it related to my life or the world around me. How to cite Miss Brill, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Influence of Online Advertisement free essay sample
The Influence of Online Advertisement Introduction Background of the Study Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local product? There have been many studies that focus on online advertisements in local products. 8 of these studies are examined by the group. 5 of these studies represent the growth of the online advertisements. 3 of these studies indicate the behavioural intention and negativity of online ad. The studies of Ha (2008). Tang Chi, (2005), Mccoy et al (2008), Galletta (2004) Goldfarb Tucker (2010), represent the growth of the online advertisements. The studies of Kugel, Havlena, Graham (2004), Wu (2007), Carlon, Ryan, Weledniger (2000), indicate the behavioral intention and negativity of online ad. Exposure to an online advertisement has value that can be thought to the students of UE Caloocan. Statement of the Problem This study attempts to answer the question: Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local product? Specifically, this study attempts to answer the following questions: 1. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local food? 2. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local clothing? 3. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local jewelry? 4. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local personal care? Significance of the Study This study is significant to the Academe, Advertisers, and Entrepreneur. It is Important to the Academe because the outcome of the study can be a source of information of the future students that will make a similar study. Apparently, this is significant to the Advertisers, to know the effectiveness and use this study as reference and for them to make an analysis base on the present studies about online ads. In line with this, this is important to the Entrepreneurs to design new way of selling products to see the difference between selling online and going to the mall to shop. Scope and Limitation The study covers the online advertisement local product. This means that only local food, clothing, jewelry, personal care. This does not include cellphones, computers etc. The respondents would be UE Caloocan college students from College of Arts and Sciences and College of Fine Arts. This study is expected to be resolved until the end of the second semester, Academic year 2010-2011. References: Gold farb, Avi Tucker, Catherine ( February, 2010). Online display Advertising Targeting and Obstrusiveness http://www. rotman. utoronto. a/~agoldfarb/GoldfarbTucker-intrusiveness. pdf Mccoy et al. (December, 2004). A Study of the Effects of Online Advertising: A Focus on Pop-Up and In-Line Ads http://interruptions. net/literature/McCoy-HCIRMIS04. pdf Chi, Wen hai Tang, Wen- Tze (2005, March). The Role of trust In Customer Online Shopping Behavior: Perspective of technology Acceptance Model http://www. casos. cs. cmu. edu/events/conferences/2005/2005_proceedings/Tang. pdf Pearson, Michael Green, David (2004, December). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Two Web Site Usability Instruments. ttp://www. linknet1. com/sighci/Research/ICIS2004/SIGHCI_2004_Proceedings_paper_4. pdf Wu, Guohua, (2007). Applying the rossiter-percy grid to online advertising planning: the role of product/brand type in previsit intentions. http://jiad. org/article95 Kugel, Christian, Havlena, Bill Graham Jeffrey (April, 2004). Decay Effects in Online Advertising: Quantifying the Impact of Time Since Last Exposure. http://www. dynamiclogic. com/na/research/industry_presentations/docs/Starcom_Dynamic_Logic_Decay. pdf Carlon, Michael, Ryan, Marc, Risa, Weledniger (October, 2000). The five Golden Rules of Online branding. http://www. dynamiclogic. com/DL_5gold_rules. pdf Ha, Luisa (2008). Online Advertising Research in Advertising Online Journals. Review. http://www. britannica. com/bps/additionalcontent/18/32183306/Online-Advertising-Research-in-Advertising-Journals-A-Review Chapter 2 Framework of the Study This chapter presents a review of literature related to this study, the theoretical and conceptual framework and hypotheses of this study, and a definition of special terms used in this study. Review of Related Studies A total of 9 studies related to the present study are reviewed in this section. Of the 9 studies, 2 have found that online advertisements significantly influence consumers in purchasing a product. While 7 have found that online advertisements do not significantly influence consumers in purchasing a product. The study of Desmond Minh Hou Poh shows that the findings suggest that the traditional advertising hierarchy of effects model is relevant in the online marketing environment, and that investment in online marketing communication can be evaluated using this stable and reliable method. It is, however, suggested that further research is needed to improve . (Minh Hou Poh, n. d. ) The remaining seven explains why online advertisements do not significantly influence consumers in purchasing a product. It explores the aptitude and potential of these applications as influencers of customer behavior and marketing instruments. Based on research findings and field experiences the article identifies the main ways corporations can use the social media as strategic marketing instruments. (Constantinides,2004:online) The study of Fangfang Diao and Shyam Sundar esults fully supported the proposition that pop-up ads elicit orienting responses. Ad recognition was lower whereas ad recall was higher for pop-up ads compared to banner ads. In addition to main effects, the data revealed several interaction effects, with implications for theory. (Diao Sundar,2004) Online product communities have emerged as an important forum for customers to interact amongst themselves as well as with t he firm. This study advances a new construct, online community experience (OCE) to enhance our understanding of customer interactions in such online product communities. The study proposes a research model that focuses on the impact of customers’ online community experience on their product-related perceptions and attitudes. The model also identifies the antecedents or determinants of customers’ online community experience. (Nambisan,2004:online) Theoretical Framework The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by ‘shooting’ or ‘injecting’ them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response. Both images used to express this theory (a bullet and a needle) suggest a powerful and direct flow of information from the sender to the receiver. The bullet theory graphically suggests that the message is a bullet, fired from the media gun into the viewers head. With similarly emotive imagery the hypodermic needle model suggests that media messages are injected straight into a passive audience which is immediately influenced by the message. They express the view that the media is a dangerous means of communicating an idea because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the message. There is no escape from the effect of the message in these models. The population is seen as a sitting duck. People are seen as passive and are seen as having a lot media material shot at them. People end up thinking what they are told because there is no other source of information. New assessments that the Magic Bullet Theory was not accurate came out of election studies in The Peoples Choice, (Lazarsfeld, Berelson and Gaudet, 1944/1968). The project was conducted during the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Sea Raiders Essay Example
The Sea Raiders Paper The sentence structure varies in the two different narratives. The author of The Sea Raiders, H. G. Wells, uses longer sentences overall than the author of The Fog Horn (Ray Bradbury). This is because The Sea Raiders was written in the Victorian era, unlike The Fog Horn, which is more modern from the nineteen seventies. Therefore H. G. Wells uses a lot of archaic language throughout the story, and this alters the sentence length. In The Fog Horn, Ray Bradbury uses short sentences in order to build up and keep suspense throughout a section of the story on page 91 when the writer is building up to the destruction of the tower, The tower shook. The fog horn cried; the monster cried, The fog horn and the monster roared, Quick). This syntax helps to create tension and to keep the readers attention throughout, with sentences such as McDunn seized my arm, and the tower fell. The writer of The Sea Raiders however, builds up to the pinnacle of the story (on page 425 when Hill is attacked by the monsters) with continued use of long and intricate sentences, and also with complex vocabulary, which slowly builds up and keeps tension and suspense throughout the passage. Various language devices are also used. In The Fog Horn, use of direct speech is frequent, and used mainly to answer questions asked by Johnny, and also any that the reader may ask. We will write a custom essay sample on The Sea Raiders specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Sea Raiders specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Sea Raiders specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This is very effective because direct speech is intended to be spoken rather than narrated, and so it makes more of an impact when read out than if it were simply reported. Direct speech is also used in The Sea Raiders, for example on page 424 when the boatman shouts, help here! Alliteration of the h sound is another device which draws attention to this speech because it is so hard-hitting. In my opinion The Fog Horn includes three main characters The monster, Johnny, and McDunn. Johnny is the narrator: he explains the scenes in the story to the reader, and he also describes all that can be seen in each of these scenes. McDunn voices some of the direct speech in this narrative, but we do not always see what he is thinking in great detail. Johnny does not go into detail about how he feels at any point in the story, and I feel that this is done deliberately by the author to draw attention away from these two characters and onto their surroundings, and also onto the monster and its emergence. In my opinion McDunn is almost like a father figure in this passage taking Johnny under his wing and looking after him as his apprentice; teaching him about the lighthouse as a father might teach his son. He also tells Johnny all he knows about the monster, in order to prepare him for the moment when it appears. Carrying through the biblical theme that has been set in this passage with the use of capital letters (Voice) and other devices, McDunn comes across as almost god-like. He is seemingly omniscient, and appears to know everything that is going on. He also knows everything about the monster. McDunn understands the monsters emotions because he empathises with it, as he remains out at sea in his lighthouse, totally isolated and alone just like the monster. We know that McDunn is often cut off from humanity because he becomes so lonely that he even fabricates stories to pass the time, for instance his story on page 87 (I made up that story). As McDunn does not freely express his feelings and opinions frequently in the narrative, the only way that we can understand what he feels and thinks is through Johnnys character, and we get an insight into the philosophical nature of McDunn. As the story progresses we start to become somewhat closely associated with Johnny, as we relate to him because the lighthouse, the monster and McDunn are all connected and are all seemingly together as one in the story. Johnny is the outsider to the situation, and can be likened to the reader whilst they read the passage. The story is written in the first person narrative, and we figuratively become Johnny throughout the story because we are an outsider to all that is happening. This makes the story more personal because we can relate Johnnys point of view. In The Sea Raiders, we have a birds eye view of the story, and are not as involved, as H. G. Wells has written the narrative in the first person. The Sea Raiders was written in the Victorian era, and at this time many things were unknown to science a common preoccupation of the Victorians was discovery, and it was a time of great exploration. The society and history in which the story was written is reflected in the narrative Mr Fison and the other men went out into the sea in their boat to try and discover more about the monsters, just as many Victorians were travelling the world to discover new things at the time that this story was written. Mr Fison and his team are keen to find out more about these monsters because they are unknown to science and society. In this way the men in the story are symbolic of the male status in society at the time that H. G. Wells wrote The Sea-Raiders.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Breakdown of Choosing Civility Essays
Breakdown of Choosing Civility Essays Breakdown of Choosing Civility Essay Breakdown of Choosing Civility Essay When approaching meditation as a novice like anything new you begin to categorize and assign key ideas based on the generalization of the word. One would expect when discussing the topic of mediation key components would arise to conform to the American Heritage Dictionary definition, â€Å"a devotional exercise of contemplation or a contemplative discourse†(Heritage, 1982). In such an exercise as mediation how would a simple subject of civility impact your ability to reflect and improve on upon yourself? Forni proposes that, â€Å"as a society we take a new, close look at that intriguing code of behavior based on respect, restraint and responsibility we call civility†(M. , 2002, p. 14); with in mind, one can correlate the relationship civility plays in mediation with Forni’s book Choosing Civility. Three conceptual pillars of civility, respect, restraint and responsibility in place the foundation for achieving a beneficial meditational experience is essentially achievable; from everyday life experiences we can confidently state, everyone has moment of incivility but placing stabilization on your actions can directly affect the growth in your meditation experience. Forni begins to support this by stating, â€Å"As an art, civility has rules one can learn and facility with these rules can improve with practice. This is good news. The bad news is that often we are unable to imagine the benefits of that learning and practice. We thus leave untapped a resource that would prove invaluable in increasing the quality of our lives†(M. , 2002, p. 34). The unstoppable presence of incivility will always be a bump in our proverbial road of life; the ability to remain in a state, a state of civility, is a chance to improve your quality of life and those around you. Meditation as a stepping stone in these situations provides a great learning point and gives one the ability to grow, and keep improving. To further understand the idea of civility and the large role it plays within everyday life, one would need to understand the impact and presence civility promotes within improving meditation. Life is laced with rules, regulations, morals, and standards not only as individuals but society as whole strives to adhere to in regards to meditation, improvement is not only sought by an individual but taken into consideration of others as well. With making the choice in choosing civility over incivility, the ability not only to improve as an individual but also impact a group meditation can be the water in which allows this seed to germinate. Therefore one would tinker with the concept Forni begins to elaborate, â€Å"it becomes clearer and clearer that civility is the place of encounter between Self and Other where altruism and self-interest find a harmonious way to coexist†(M. , 2002, p. 37). What Forni state’s it is obvious, a symbiotic relationship formed between the practice of mediation and the potential to affect another’s civility. As the dissection of Choosing Civility progresses on, one can contemplate the relation of the study of mediation with primary principles broken down by the book. The book in more detail by the text: civility can be described as rather complex and intricate; also coated with an element of good, embraces courtesy, politeness, good manners and inhabits the broad realm of ethics. In establishing these boundaries a connection can be made with the study of mediation with the principles mentioned above; without this understanding embraced of civility, the process of studying and practicing meditation would theoretically be hindered. Deeper into Forni’s text he begins to condense and establish rules or guidelines in solidifying the foundations for civility. Twenty-five established rules allowed the doors of comprehension and the ability to personally relate and reflect to the authors’ view-points to open. As each of these rules plays a defining role in understanding the ability to practice civility, each rule is also a key component in assimilating how to improve on your meditation skills; understand what civility and mediation represent, Forni makes a solid statement that intertwines the two: â€Å"if anything, these rules may feel like a â€Å"longcut,†since civility requires work and dedication. But they do offer a path to serenity and contentment†(M. , 2002, p. 41). Since civility and mediation share multiple common grounds and house a wide variety of rules, three will be singled out in which I have found, the most beneficial to my own personal growth and understanding. How often do you find yourself being spoken to in an unkind manner or talked down to? Everyone at some point is guilty of this at one point or another in their life. Rule six is essentially addressing this issue, speak kindly. Most people do not realize the significance of verbal communication and if practiced incorrectly how detrimental it can be to others. Breaking rule six is a drastic setback in improving your civility skills and can handicap you when it comes to many things. Forni immediately begins to state, â€Å"speaking with consideration and kindness is at the heart of civil behavior†(M. , 2002, p. 65). Without following this key rule achieving a sense of civility would be a farce. Within the description of this rule Forni goes on to describe the importance of speaking slow, calm and concise choosing words with grace and respect in order to preserve your integrity and respect those around you. Next on the chopping block that most people forget about is rule eight, accept and give praise. A feeling engrained into our heads at an early age instills acceptance and pride and leaves a need for praise for the rest of one’s lifespan. born and reinforced during the very first, formative years of our lives, our taste for being praised never goes away†(M. , 2002, p. 73) states Forni. This rule is one that if not practiced often can deteriorate over time causing either party to feel awkward or unsure. Giving and receiving praise can be hard for the sender and the receiver causing somewhat of a disruption in the flow of a conversation. As Forni assures, â€Å"after a while, as we make others feel good about themselves by praising them, we feel good about our selves as well†(M. 2002, p. 73). Great ways to practice improvement on this rule would be adhering to some simple guidelines that often get overlooked outlined in Choosing Civility; when giving compliments make sure they are sincere in meaning, don’t let your mind fool you into thinking people can read your thoughts causing you to second guess issuing a compliment, remember patronizing and compliments are two different things and a personal favorite even the smallest of compliments can make someone feel amazing not all have to be of great importance. Practice makes the difference with this rule and once mastered can greatly benefit one’s personal life and meditational experiences. In parallel with rule eight, rule twenty-three accept and give constructive criticism strikes general similarities and proves to be an area of struggle with some individuals and on the flipside others tend to enjoy it. Misunderstood by many, receiving criticism can provide a great chance to learn and improve on one’s self and the ability to see things that are normally shrouded by a mist of self-ego. Forni touches base on how enjoyable criticism can be and the responsibility it can hold, â€Å"this is a welcome opportunity to learn? mostly about my critics and about life. Although criticism is not always directed at us with the noblest of intentions, nothing prevents us from looking at it as a gift to be put to good use†(M. , 2002, p. 137). The wording in Forni’s statement is great for those who see the negative side in a critique by looking at what is said and breaking it down into a more positive view providing room for growth. In cahoots with rule eight the book also describes principles to assure the effectiveness of relaying criticism in a constructive manner and should be taken into consideration. Identify, describe, show, suggest and remain calm are all tools that should be used when giving proper criticism if one is left out during this process the effectiveness and chance for a jaded interpretation may arise. After reading Choosing Civility one can be almost taken away at the vast information hidden in such a small book. The book jumps from many different spectrums of everyday life; the main purpose stays sincere and structured allowing the reader to apply the reading to a wide array of topics but ultimately set on improving the general quality and civility of life, supported by Forni, â€Å"a better quality of human interaction makes for a better life? a saner, more meaningful, healthier, and happier life†(M. , 2002, p. 172). In application to meditational practices this book proves to be an invaluable source of tips and tools in which if utilized correctly can be beneficial to achieving a pleasurable experience for not only a single person but a group as well. Reference Heritage, A. (1982). Ahd 2nd college ed plain edge. Boston,MA: Houghton. M. , P. (2002). Choosing civility: the twenty-five rules of considerate conduct. New York,NY: St Martins Pr.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Homer Simpson Quotes on Beer
Homer Simpson Quotes on Beer Homer Simpson and beer are inseparable. Homers goofy attitude towards beer lends a whole new perspective to alcohol. Stupidity Homer no function beer well without. Insults Youve been rubbing my nose in it since I got here! Your family is better than my family, your beer comes from farther away than my beer, you and your son like each other, your wifes butt is higher than my wifes butt! You make me sick! Opinions Beer... Now theres a temporary solution. Opinions I like my beer cold... my TV loud... and my homosexuals flaming. Opinions Ah, the college road trip. What better way to spread beer-fueled mayhem? Opinions You must love this country more than I love a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning. Opinions Ive figured out an alternative to giving up my beer. Basically, we become a family of traveling acrobats. Opinions Bart, a woman is like beer. They look good, they smell good, and youd step over your own mother just to get one! Parenting Aw, theres only one can of beer left and its Barts. Parenting Now son, you dont want to drink beer. Thats for Daddies, and kids with fake IDs. Wise Cracks All right, brain. You dont like me and I dont like you, but lets just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Impact of Democracy on Economic Development Research Paper - 1
Impact of Democracy on Economic Development - Research Paper Example is that of the negative impact democracy has on the economy as noted by Przeworski & Fernando (1993).The pro-dictatorial stand taken by their article argues strongly against the public choice theory (Przeworski & Fernando, 1993, p.8). The public choice theory which advocates for minimal government questions the true existence of democracy by arguing that bureaucrats, states, politicians and citizens act solely from a perspective of self interest. Such encourages acts of corruption from the above parties which in turn diminishes economic development. Governments exercise authorities and powers designed for selfish needs of their own. Politicians use resources of the government to maintain and consolidate positions of authority and power. States employ powers to confiscate individuals’ private properties. Citizens use influence from politicians to attain exceptional benefits. Bureaucrats extract bribes from citizens seeking for the benefits and protect their businesses (Przewors ki & Fernando, 1993, p.8). The same theory however, proposes an opposing hypothesis where minimal government justifies freedom for all where the government liberates its citizens to participate in economic development and this in turn would translate into a higher GDP and per capita rates thus positive development of the economy. The theory may also assume a null hypothesis where the levels of democracy have neither positive nor negative relation to the economic development. Such is when the natural circumstances of a country are protagonist to economic activity. (Przeworski & Fernando, 1993, p.8) Wickrama and Mulford (1996) generate a hypothesis in which the levels of democracy is said to lead to the achievement of proportional levels of economic development. Their restrictive model of real GDP growth per capita supports the concept that the highest growing nations have a relatively high democracy level. A research carried out between the years 1960 and 2010 has findings on the same
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Relief Efforts Following the Haiti Earthquake and Failures Essay
Relief Efforts Following the Haiti Earthquake and Failures - Essay Example The essay "Relief Efforts Following the Haiti Earthquake and Failures" discusses the consequences of the Haiti Earthquake. An earthquake of the magnitude that hit Haiti in 2010 required relief on a war footing. The number of casualties and the difficulties of the reconstruction of the infrastructure made relief efforts a daunting task. The invisibility of the Haitian government during the initial days was the major reason as to why there was a failure in coordinating the well-meaning efforts of the international community. Despite the efforts of countries such as the United States of America, the absence of a framework that could provide support from within the country led to much relief material being wasted. This was seen in the absence of any center set up by the government of Haiti for the distribution of food packets. The authority to ask members of a country to perform any action lies vested in the government of the nation. Anarchy ruled in Haiti. With food and other facilities of everyday existence being extremely scarce, the government needed to mobilize itself to ensure that the funds and the materials that were coming into the country from outside were utilized in a good manner. While the lack of infrastructure to deal with an earthquake of this magnitude revealed the lethargic nature of the Haitian gover nment even before the earthquake, its response to the disaster was particularly appalling, one that led the people of its country to resort to looting in order to escape from starvation.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Academic and Professional Goals Essay Example for Free
Academic and Professional Goals Essay According to Walden’s University the mission statement states: â€Å"Walden University provides a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they can effect positive social change†. (Laureate, 2013) According to Walden’s University the vision statement states: â€Å"Walden University envisions a distinctively different 21st-century learning community where knowledge is judged worthy to the degree that it can be applied by its graduates to the immediate solutions of critical societal challenges, thereby advancing the greater global good†. (Laureate, 2013) The combination of my academic performance and my personal standards in all that I do will provide the foundation for my success as a Nursing Home Director. It will require great time and energy, but I am excited to pursue the challenge. My study habits and skills enable me to gain a full understanding of the subject. I work well in a team, or I can function on my own. I know how to seek out help when necessary and I will not settle for being average. Drive and desire for excellence is balanced with a good sense of priorities and I do not usually lose track of what is important. I am very aware of what I need to do to be ready for any given situation and am able to manage stress in healthy ways. My family fully supports this endeavor, and I am mentally, physically and spiritually ready for the task. The rigorous and intense demands as a Nursing Home Director match my capabilities. Healthcare administrators perform many functions. They are responsible for developing an improved workplace through employee and workforce efficiency. This is done through motivation and positive vibes to promote and improve productivity. In addition to taking care of employees, healthcare administrators handle the company’s operating budget to decide the amount of money that can be spent on each project. Healthcare administrators are a difficult job and each manager must make fast and effective decisions that will improve the company and make it run smoothly. A type of healthcare administrators is a home director. This job comes with many roles and goal setting for employees. All roles are important to function, and one rule should not be more important than the other. Gà ¾Ã °ls is the result or achievement toward, which à µffà ¾rt is directed. All people have different goals in their lives, which are subjective and differing from person to person. Some persons prefer to concentrate their achievement into acquiring professional goals; others select to obtain their pà µrsà ¾nà °l gà ¾Ã °ls. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to be a balance bà µtwà µÃ µn person’s pà µrsà ¾nà °l life and business. Role and responsibilities of managers in todays health care All facets of the healthcare operations managers’ job are important. Together, it helps maintain stability and financial standing of the hospital. The workflow process controls the number of employees in each department. Employees must have the necessary skills to perform his or her job duties. There must be structure in each department to be fast, yet efficient. The physical layout ensures that the hospital layout is designed to improve productivity. For example, the hospital should control patient inflow and outflow to reduce the amount of traffic in the hospital. The layouts should also include safety products and procedures on each floor. Capacity design and planning help improve productivity through technology or other resources. Staffing levels and productivity management allow the hospital to control output through the use of technology and staff, combining both to increase productivity level. Technology controls inventory and improves patient process. Quality, planning, and process improvement focuses on performance indicators so the hospital can stand out from its competitors. The planning process improves patient satisfaction and efficiency as well as reducing costs and increasing speed through advanced technology. Each role possesses the necessary factors that help the hospital flow efficiently. One should not be in place without the other. To achieve success in a hospital setting, healthcare administrators must improve patient satisfaction while increasing profits using the goals listed above. This position guides the hospital by implementing rules and regulations to ensure patient and employee safety and efficiency. Along with the implemented rules and regulations, he or she must know, follow, and enforce government standard regulations. Healthcare administrators play a demanding role in the hospital, and all work is performed through strategic thinking and hard work. Skills and experiences the Masters of Healthcare Administration program In this paper I would like to illustrate, my decision to pursue an in Masters in Healthcare Administration (MHA) degree to become a business owner or explore a more exciting career. I firmly believe that a degree in Masters in Business Administration (MBA) combined with a MHA can reward a very successful, satisfying and a challenging career for me. The educational background has a great influence on our personality and the decisions taken regarding our career prospects. A master’s degree is something I have always wanted to attain. So having a MBA is a personal goal and further develop my knowledge in the field of business administration and MHA would give me the knowledge and skills which in turn adds value to my career. Though the MHA course requires a substantial commitment of both time and resources, it is a very valuable asset. In conclusion, the MHA Program not only facilitates me to reach my personal goal however, it can assist me in becoming a more successful leader; sharpen the managerial skills and tools such as communication and motivating people. References Laureate. (2013). Get to know Walden. Retrieved from http://www.waldenu.edu/about
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Morals and Ethics of Cloning :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Morals and Ethics of Cloning Cloning is the process of taking cells from a donor, placing them in a culture dish where the nutrients are minimal, so the cells stop dividing and switch their "active genes". The cells are then put next to an unfertilized egg. The nucleus is sucked out of the egg leaving an empty egg cell containing all the cellular machinery necessary to produce an embryo. An electric shock is used to fuse the egg and cell together. A second shock is then used to mimic the act of fertilization and help begin cell division. After the egg has successfully moved to the stage of an embryo it is then placed in to the uterus of a surrogate mother. When born, all the genes are the same as the donor of the cell. In 1997 Dr. Ian Wilmut, a British scientist successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly. This turned the scientific world upside-down. The success of the experiment is considered by all as an amazing achievement in science. However, ethics and morals must surface to regulate cloning. It is understood that individuality is the most important part of life. Individuality is given to a person at birth and considered a right they will have for rest of their life. There is also a fear that the clone may only be produced to live the life of the clone, thus causing severe emotional damage as well pain and suffering for the clone. The progression of the clone may be limited, the advance in idea development will slowly die off. Evolution could come to a halt, because with clones, diversity will be limited and there will not be as many advances in society. The cells, in all humans, will all be the same and there will not be a process of natural selection and diversity. Another controversial question facing the cloning process is: How will the clones be treated? The emotions of the clones need to be taken in to consideration, after all they are humans too. "What is common to these various views, however, is a shared understanding that being a 'person' is different from being the manipulated 'object' of other peoples desires and expectations"(Biomedical Ethics). People, as clones, will be studied, prodded, and poked which in turn will cause much unwanted anxiety and emotional distress. There will also be problems with relationships between parents and the clone for understandable reasons.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Charles Lamb “Thoughtless Cruelty†Essay
Most people, at some point of their lives, have tortured inferior insects whether it be pulling the wings off a fly or crushing an ant. In the poem â€Å"Thoughtless Cruelty†by Charles Lamb the reader can see that the author is indeed angry about such a thing. The author uses the poetic devices such as diction, rhyme, and detail to describe his attitude toward those who perform such â€Å"Thoughtless Cruelty†. The author first directs his attention to â€Å"Robert†that has â€Å"kill’d that fly†. The author then says the man was â€Å"devoid Of thought and sense†to have killed the fly. Here, the author is implying that â€Å"Robert†must have been stupid for killing the innocent creature. The author goes on talking about natural death as a bird â€Å"devours†it or a â€Å"cold blast in the night†will take its life. By describing the natural causes of the insect’s death, Lamb sympathizes for the creature because of its unnatural death. Lamb continues discussing that pain exists in even â€Å"The greatest being†, and even the â€Å"smallest ones possess†the feeling of death and pain experienced before. The author goes on with more detail in the piece about the crude humor in the creature’s horrible death. Lamb explains, â€Å"The life you’ve taken to supply, You could not do it†that the life â€Å"Robert†has taken cannot be restored, no matter how hard he tries. The author tries to make â€Å"Robert†feel guilty by enlightening him, â€Å"A thing which no way you annoy’d – You’ll one day rue it†, suggesting that one day he will realize his cruelty and morn the death of the fly. â€Å"The bird but seeks his proper food†¦ May just take [its life]†. Here Lamb goes into more detail about the natural death the fly may have experienced. â€Å"A life by Nature made so short, Less reason is that you for sport Should shorter make it.†Lamb again tries to weigh more guilt upon â€Å"Robert†. â€Å"Although their frame and structure less Escape our seeing,†they still experience pain and its horrors. Though the rhyme scheme of AAAB, Charles Lamb starts to use the poetic device of rhyme to also express his attitude. In the first stanza, he talks about how â€Å"Robert, killed that â€Å"fly†, but not matter how hard he may â€Å"try†to â€Å"supply†the life he has taken, he could never â€Å"do it†. In the second stanza Lamb writes that â€Å"Robert†must have been â€Å"devoid†of thinking to have â€Å"destroy’d†the fly that he never â€Å"annoy’d†, and will one day â€Å"rue it†, expressing negativity by sympathizing for the innocent creature. The author then goes into the natural death by illustrating the bird seeking its â€Å"food†, that fate whose power â€Å"endu’d†the fly thinks the time is â€Å"good†will take â€Å"it†. Finally, the author fully expresses himself when he explains the pain â€Å"The greatest being†can have with its â€Å"flesh †that even the fly may â€Å"possess†, small and structure â€Å"less†may escape our â€Å"seeing†. All in all, the author uses many poetic devices such as diction, detail, and rhyme to express his attitude toward, what seems tragic to the author, event. Even the title â€Å"Thoughtless Cruelty†expresses the authors feelings. Things may be different now, when you see a fly, pulling the wings off a fly may not seem the same.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Border and Coastal Security
Intellectual property theft is a broad term, which encompasses many actions directed towards intellectual property, including trademark counterfeiting, digital piracy, theft of trade secrets, copyright violation and any form of intellectual property infringement. Actual IP theft involves copyrighted works, patented inventions, and many other things. Despite their intangible nature, they can be stolen in their entirety. Simply put: when a pirate steals a sound recording, a computer program, or the chemical composition of a pharmaceutical – he has stolen the product.The pirated product may or may not have the quality of the legitimate product, but the inventiveness, the creativity, and the research costs that make the product unique have been stolen. Technological advances have made actual theft the fastest-growing type of commercial counterfeiting. With the advent of digital technology, pirates can make actual copies of computer software, recorded music, and motion pictures wit h no loss of quality in successive generations of copies.In contemporary context, copyrights are suffering the greatest losses, in part because of the many new products that have been invented, CDs, DVDs, flash discs and many other products, and because of advances in the means of distribution. Although IP theft, particularly, trademark counterfeiting, was widespread in China throughout the 1990s, the trade dispute that was investigated by the U. S. Trade Representative in 1994-1996 involved works protected by copyright: sound recordings, computer software, and motion pictures.The distribution of works protected by copyright has been revolutionized by the invention of cable television, which involves satellite transmission, and by the Internet, which can involve the digital transmission of copyrighted works such as computer programs, video games, and sound recordings. Previously, the piracy of copyrighted works required the possession of a legitimate product in a fixed or tangible f orm (i. e. , a book or a music cassette), but these technological advances in the commercial distribution of copyrighted works have offered new avenues for product piracy in intangible form (i.e. , cable programming). Cable piracy, also called signal theft, involves the actual theft of copyrighted material. The cable pirate, who hooks up illegally, is stealing television programming, which is protected by copyright. In the United States, an estimated one in four cable viewers does so illegally; the problem is worse outside the United States, where entire countries engage in signal theft. The ultimate triumph of digital technology is the Internet, where everyone is connected to a cyber universe by computer, DSL modem or broadband.The Internet offers perhaps the ultimate avenue for a counterfeiter, who can e-mail a pirated computer program or music recording anywhere in the world, and keep his identity a secret. The adequate enforcement of IP violations is probably the most effective way to prevent infringement of intellectual property rights. Since from commercial standpoint intellectual property usually represents the core of any business, the IP violations result in enormous financial losses for the companies and threaten the existence of businesses overall.For instance, according to figures presented by the U. S. Department of Justice, companies suffered $250 Billion in IP Theft in 2004 (CypherTrust, 2005), therefore, it is evident that the further enforcement directed towards IP theft should be continued. 2) Fully discuss Executive Order 13133. How can the use or misuse of the Internet affect the economy? Executive Order 13133 attempts to create new ways to censor Internet content, establish control over Internet transactions and prevent Internet fraud.The core of the Order is embedded in three tasks put before the Working group, namely define how effective Federal regulation is in investigation and prosecution of unlawful conduct that involves the use of t he Internet, what technology tools, capabilities, or legal authorities needed for effective investigation and prosecution of unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet, and finally and what tools and capabilities exist to educate and empower parents, teachers, and others to prevent or to minimize the risks from unlawful conduct that involves the use of the Internet.In other words, Executive Order 13133 aims to accomplish an extremely challenging task of Internet regulation. From the critical standpoint, Internet regulation is a hardly achievable mission, because unlike many other phenomena, Internet has no geographic boundaries, and thus it does not have formal geographical jurisdiction upon it. On the other hand, Internet exhibits the line of unlawful, unethical and fraudulent practices, which should be either heavily regulated or banned.It includes child pornography, illegal distribution of copyrighted materials, such as books, CDs, DVDs, Mp3s, computer software, etc a nd illegal credit card transactions cased by identity theft. Practically, the misuse of Internet results in significant financial losses for the national economy in several ways, namely due to numerous copyright infringement instances, fraudulent credit card transactions and losses coming from unrealized revenues.According to Forrester Research, an estimated $15 billion in E-commerce revenues for 2001 were unrealized because of consumers' concerns about their privacy, while 61 percent of Internet users in the United States reported that they do not purchase online because of privacy concerns (Hemphill, 2001:51). Therefore, the task put for the working group in Executive Order 13133 is practically challenging, but still necessary from security, financial and ethical viewpoints.References Intellectual Property Theft Has Never Been Easier (2005). CypherTrust, Inc. Available at < http://www. ciphertrust. com/resources/articles/articles/intellectual. php> Retrieved on June 7, 2006 Hemphi ll, T. A. (2001). Identity Theft: A Cost of Business? Business and Society Review, 106 (1): 51-63
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Habits and Buddhism
Habits and Buddhism Introduction Buddhism psychology refers to bad habits as the intentions of acting in a harmful manner. The concept of the bad habit is nonexistent if the intention to do harm to self or others is not manifested. In order to prevent bad habits, an individual must trigger a mental action that inhibits manifestation of ill intentions.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Habits and Buddhism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In normal circumstances, a well-intended action leads to benevolent deeds. However, ill-will is a major motivator for vicious deeds. The control over the mind is considered integral in Buddhism psychology. From this perspective, environmental protection depends on human actions. Modern Buddhism psychology is integral in shaping human perspective about environmental protection. From a Buddhist perspective, having positive thoughts about environmental protection is a good intention. If an individualâ€℠¢s intention towards others and the community are positive in nature, then the probability of engaging in destructive activities is minimal. For example, concern for others in the community is vital in avoiding negative deeds such as the excessive emission of carbon. Apparently, carbon emission and related pollution activities are referred as biodegradation activities. Moreover, positive mentality towards saving the world from global warming and other detrimental environmental activities is necessary. Buddhism psychology establishes some of the fundamental concepts that can help in controlling spiteful intentions towards the environment. In this regard, Buddhism psychology plays a pivotal role in changing negative habits or negative thinking about environmental protection to positive actions.Advertising Looking for article on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conceptualizing Buddhism Psychology on O ne’s Actions In Buddhism psychology, the intention is considered an important mental event or process. Apparently, the intention directs the mind about execution of an action. Therefore, the intention enables the mind to determine whether human beings should engage in virtuous, neutral or non-virtuous behaviour. The consequences of ill-will or bad intention are referred as Karma. The cause-effect relationship of an action and subsequent reactions is that the end-results depend on the original intent and human will. Karma has two classifications that are referred as the intended action and action of intention. Intended action entails verbal or physical expressions. On the other hand, action of intention is the impulse or thought to act in physical or verbal manner. From a psychological perspective, an individual is susceptible of executing the action of intention before the intended action. In Buddhism psychology, the action of intention is not immediately established from an individual desires to act. For some time, the individual contemplates with the desire to act until the same matures to an intended action. In addition, this contemplation is referred as Karmic seeds. From this perspective, the concept of karmic seed is referred as developing the action of intention into a real action. The karmic seed concept determines whether the mind manipulates a verbal or physical action into a positive or negative action. Controlling Negative Habits Using Karma Since negative habits are as a result of Karmic seed, it is ideal to destroy the same though Buddhism. The four powers of purification are major elements in Buddhism psychology. Apparently, the four powers of purification are integral in controlling the manifestations of the Karmic seeds.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Habits and Buddhism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, the power of object is critical in changing an individual ’s negative habit. For example, an individual’s experience in environmental pollution or degradation is enough to change negative habits. However, this power of purification is effective if the object in question is the environment, people or community. Secondly, the power of regret should be observed when controlling negative habits. In this context, an individual is required to contemplate on past actions and misdeeds and regret on the same if harm was realized. In this regard, harm resulting from environmental degradation should be highly regretted. Thirdly, an individual is required to exercise the power of the promise when changing from negative to positive habits. The third power entails promising of never repeating the same misdeeds. The third power is integral in avoiding activities that degrade the environment. In Buddhism psychology, the third power requires the utmost honesty in order to change negative habits effectively. Finally, the power of practice is i mportant in establishing activities that protect the environment from further degradation. The forth power entails positive thinking and acts as motivation to an individual. From a Buddhist perspective, activities such as offerings and reciting mantras are critical in maintaining the power of practice. Making environmental protection a cultural practice is integral in developing positive habits that conserve nature. From the four laws of Karma, bad habits do not go unpunished. In this regard, individuals destroying the environment should realize that nature is unforgiving. Conclusion Buddhism psychology analyzes the intention of the mind and how the same can be changed into positive habits. Buddhism psychology is developed from the preset of reversing the real action once the intention to action is changed. Apparently, negative habits that include environmental destruction are manifested in the mind.Advertising Looking for article on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moreover, the mind is easily manipulated by an intention. Therefore, Buddhism psychology is critical in understanding the mind and changing subsequent actions into positive habits that protect the environment.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Social Engagement Reports See Social Engagement Fast In CoSchedule
Social Engagement Reports See Social Engagement Fast In Data proves the ROI of the work you do. But the tedious process of gathering, analyzing, and reporting is so time-consuming that sometimes you just can’t do it all. With Social Analytics in your favorite marketing calendar, youll: Know what’s working (and what’s not) Prove your ROI to your boss/clients (and yourself) Easily spot trends to understand what your audience likes Compare your performance across your networks all in one convenient place Youre about to eliminate the tedious process of gathering, analyzing, and reporting on your analytics. Social Engagement: The Newest Analytics Report In Your Favorite Social Media Calendar [New Feature]Measure The Success Of Every Social Media Message You Share Heres what marketers just like you told us when we started researching social engagement analytics: I want to review performance of specific posts. I would use social engagement analytics to decide what content to re-share and decide what to write more of. I would use social analytics to track what content is working to know what content to continue sharing. We took that feedback very seriously. Now  tracks the stats of the individual social media messages you send so you dont have to. And that will help you measure the success of your social messages so you can re-share your most engaging content (and improve future messages). Let measure your social media engagement for you!You can see your individual social message data two different- and extremely useful- ways in . First, simply look at your sent messages on your stand-alone social campaigns, content with social campaigns, and WordPress blog posts with social campaigns. Youll see the engagement of the social campaign as a whole, and the engagement of your individual social messages. This view is awesome for understanding the performance of a campaign as a whole and its associated social media messages. Second, you can view your top messages in your Social Engagement Report, the newest report in your Analytics feature available for Advanced calendar users. Here, you can find trends among your best-performing messages and even filter those messages by network for a deeper understanding. The Top Messages functionality in your Social Engagement Report intelligently analyzes shares, comments, and likes to quickly show you your best-performing messages on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook. Measure every social message so you can re-share your most engaging content with sPROVE The ROI Of The Work You Do! The proof is in the numbers, and now you can easily prove your value to your boss/clients (and yourself). Never question the results of your hard work! Your Social Engagement Report helps you prove your ROI by social network, account, and right down to the specific message. Plus, you can always prove your success with your Top Content Report by seeing a complete list of your best-performing content according to social engagement.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Financial Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Financial Statement - Essay Example They are found in the Asset part of the balance sheet. These equipment purchases are regarded as long-term and are documented for many years (Kieso, Weygandt & Warfield, 2014). The financing activities on the other hand refer to the cash flow that is affected by the decreases or increases to equity. It simply means the quantity of cash flow affected by securing a loan or by paying down debt from a lending institution or an owner. Such activities are in the Equity and liability section of the balance sheet. Here, decreases and increases can be a bit deceiving if viewed at a bad or good perspective. This is the most important activity of the cash flow as it keeps the business going and informs the executive on what should be done on avoided for the continuity of the business. Disclosures to financial statements are vital as lenders use a variety of them from a private initiative statement when they need to determine whether the entity ought to get a loan; distinctive financial statements basing on the new overall accepted Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE) may possibly meet those requirements. However, as financial statements are prepared for private enterprises, they must be in a way that they maintain the confidence and trust of lenders, thus additional disclosures may be advantageous in getting financing (Benjamin & Stanga,
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