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Nursing concept map for mental health free essay sample
Introducing Problem: This is a multi year-old Caucasian female who was confessed to Doctors Hospital Psychiatric Unit 4 South because of ...
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Nursing concept map for mental health free essay sample
Introducing Problem: This is a multi year-old Caucasian female who was confessed to Doctors Hospital Psychiatric Unit 4 South because of an overdose on various meds. The patient was found by the police on January thirteenth looking over trash close to the medical clinic. Tolerant overdosed on roughly 30 Alprazolam, Venlafaxine, Trazadone, Benadryl, and Nyquil. She expressed she took the entirety of the medications, yet doesn't recollect that anything after that. Quiet accepts that the stressors throughout her life are what caused to overdose taking drugs. Quiet likewise expresses that the principle reason she overdosed was on the grounds that she was assaulted three days earlier. Patients Perception of Stressors/Illness: Tolerant states that she knows about her analysis. Understanding accepts that the stressors throughout her life are what caused to her overdose taking drugs. These stressors included money related issues, overpowered by school, and her position at a plastic processing plant where she has strife with her chief. We will compose a custom article test on Nursing idea map for psychological wellness or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page MENTAL STATUS EXAM Conduct: Patient was dress properly for the climate. The patient shows up her expressed age of 28. Patient’s weight was suitable to stature. She was not very much prepared and didn't rehearse appropriate cleanliness. Tolerant sat hardened in the seat, regularly floated during the discussion, and didn't give reliable eye to eye connection all through the meeting or at bunch treatment. Outward appearances were level and she demonstrated no feeling. Understanding didn't take an interest in bunch exercises except if she was called upon by the social specialist, and she would dubiously share her knowledge. Discourse: Patient’s discourse was sorted out and clear. She talked at an incredibly moderate rate with a delicate volume. Disposition: Patient’s demeanor was sure about getting treatment. She expressed that she needs to â€Å"go home and show signs of improvement with the goal that I can think about my three children†. She comes to amass action, which shows participation and progress towards her treatment. Mind-set: Patient’s temperament is anhedonic. She shows no enthusiasm for exercises or in different patients. Influence: Patient’s influence was level and she didn't show a lot of feeling all through meeting or in bunch exercises. Thought Content: Patient didn't talk except if addressed. Notwithstanding, while at the same time bantering with the patient I saw that her contemplations were proper to the discussion. Direction: Patient is alarm and arranged to individual, place, time, occasion, and situated to the essentialness of the conditions of being in the medical clinic. Understanding/Judgment: Patient shows reasonable knowledge and precarious judgment choices. In spite of the fact that she comprehends that she has a psychological sickness, she is persuaded that self destruction is the main choice for her. Quiet needs to enhance judgment abilities. Mental HISTORY Understanding was first hospitalized in 2000 because of her first self destruction endeavor of overdose on nutrients. She was hospitalized again in 2011 when she overdosed on Tylenol. Tolerant has a background marked by nervousness assaults and gloom that she has struggled as long as she can remember, with numerous outpatient medicines. PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONS Thoughts of Harm to Self/Others: Patient denies self destruction or murderous ideations right now. Notwithstanding, a background marked by various self destruction endeavors eventually puts the patient at a risk to herself and potentially others. Personality Defense Mechanisms (portray how utilized by the patient): One barrier system noted from the patient was separation. Tolerant expressed that she had a terrible youth, and thinks that its difficult to confide in individuals. I notice that now she is separating herself from the world and feels detached from the real world. Another protection instrument utilized by the patient was legitimization. Quiet expresses that she experiences difficulty at work since her supervisor doesn't care for her. In conclusion, understanding uses concealment when managing stressors. She feels that in the event that she disregards them, they will disappear (Varcarolis, Hlater, 2011, p. 216-217) Level of Self Esteem: Patient gives indications of incessant low confidence. Persistent expressed that â€Å"I have consistently been unsure, I generally feel like I am bad looking enough, particularly the fat on my legs†. As per Maslow’s chain of importance of necessities, when confidence is undermined, we feel substandard, useless, and defenseless (Varcarolis, Halter, 2011, p. 39) Correspondence/Interaction Patterns (nonverbal correspondence): Patient didn't display many body developments when speaking with medicinal services staff, different patients, or myself. Understanding sat still in her seat and didn't show any feeling with her point of view. Quiet didn't look at anybody she spoke with. Sexual Patterns (think about jobs, character, way of life): Patient expresses that she is hetero. Understanding isn't as of now seeing someone is she explicitly dynamic. She used to have different sex accomplices previously. Psychosomatic Responses (portray substantial grumblings that might be pressure related): Patient expresses that she experiences a great deal of difficulty resting. Other than a sleeping disorder, quiet didn't gripe of whatever other substantial reactions that could be pressure related. Utilization of Alcohol or different Drugs: Patient precludes the utilization from securing medications and liquor. Level of Participation in Care/Groups: Patient was a piece of the Blue Group (Lower working). Persistent didn't display enthusiasm for any gathering exercises or care from the staff individuals. Patient would possibly respond to an inquiry on the off chance that she was approached, however she never was the first to start a reaction during bunch exercises. Be that as it may, she knows that bunch treatment, exercises, and holding fast to the medicine routine are all piece of the program to be discharged from the mental unit. Change in accordance with Illness/Disorder: Patient has been fighting psychological maladjustment from for as far back as she can recollect. She has never officially â€Å"adjusted†to her ailment. She knows that she has an issue, anyway she can't get brings about any treatment she got previously. Past Patterns of Coping with Stress: Patient uses concealment when adapting to pressure. She expresses that she â€Å"pushes things aside and overlooks them as opposed to managing them†. Quiet expresses that she doesn't have a clue how to appropriately adapt to pressure. Social, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INFLUENCES Ecological Factors: Patient’s budgetary circumstance is perhaps the best stressor in her life. She is a single parent with three little kids. The dad isn't in the image, so she needs to think about her kids alone without assistance from anybody. Tolerant likewise doesn't have human services insurance,â making it hard for her to gain admittance to social insurance. Strict Beliefs/Practices: Patient doesn't get a particular religion. Understanding states that she is a nonbeliever. Instruction: Patient at present goes to Oakland Community College for Landscaping. She is just four credits from acquiring a partners degree. Friend/Social Relationships: Throughout the move, I saw that the patient didn't connect with peers. When asked, she expressed that she doesn't have companions. One patient favored H.C., anyway she didn't appear to show a lot of enthusiasm for him. Emotionally supportive network: Patient referenced that she doesn't have a very remarkable emotionally supportive network. Her youngsters are at present with her auntie, and that is one of the main individuals she can depend on for help if necessary. Tolerant states that she is autonomous and would prefer to do things herself instead of depend on others as a great many people have baffled her before. Word related History: Patient expresses that she has had a wide range of occupations previously. Her latest employment was at a Plastic Factory dealing with the line. She accepts that the activity won't be accessible to her when she gets released from the emergency clinic as she didn't call the office to tell them she can't come to work. Roads of Productivity/Contribution (present place of employment status, job commitments, and duty regarding others): Patient is utilized at a Plastic Factory and is answerable for herself just as her three small children. Understanding doesn't get help from the legislature, nor does she get help from the dad of her kids. Wellbeing Beliefs and Practices: Patient accepts that most wellbeing conditions (counting psychological instability) can be incompletely rewarded with legitimate nourishment. Good dieting and exercise are essential to the patient. Other Lifestyle Factors Contributing to Present Adaptation: None other than expressed previously. PHYSICAL HEALTH STATUS Existing together Medical Conditions (requirement for clinical administration): None. Imperative Signs: Blood pressure: 99/69, Heart rate: 133, Temperature: 98.2 F, Respirations: 16, No agony. Lab Results: Sodium: 141 mmol/L Potassium: 4.1 mmol/L Chloride: 110 mmo/L CO2: 28 mmol/L Anion Gap: 3 Glucose: 98 mg/dL BUN: 11 mg/dL Creatinine: 0.80 mg/dL NON-AA GFR: 91 APR AMER GFR: 110 Calcium: 8.2 mg/dL WBC: 4.10 K/uL RBC: 3.00 M/uL Hematocrit: 32.1% Hemoglobin: 12 g/dL Platelets: 162 k/uL Pee Specific Gravity: 1.02 Consequences of other Diagnostic Tests: None. Customer Strengths: Patient expresses that she is a decent mother. She expressed that â€Å"Even subsequent to everything, I despite everything attempt my hardest to give my children an incredible life†. She likewise expresses that she is extremely imaginative. Current Medications including Dosage and Frequency. Utilize the MAR structure, Appendix D (Include what these prescriptions are for and why requested for this customer. Utilize various pages, as essential. Allude to MAR. Conclusion, PLANNING, INTERVENTIONS, EVALUATION DSM IV-TR Axis (List from persistent record): Hub IBipolar Disorder Type 2, Acute Psychosis, Major Depression Hub IINone. Hub IIINone. Hub IVSupport gathering, word related issues, financial issues, access to social insurance. Hub V 10-20. Nursing Diagnosis #1 (most elevated need): Risk For Suicide RT: History of Prior Suicide Atte
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