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Introducing Problem: This is a multi year-old Caucasian female who was confessed to Doctors Hospital Psychiatric Unit 4 South because of ...
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Alan Poe - 1074 Words
Edgar Alan Poe s short story The Cask of Amontillado is the typical example on how revenge can cause a man to murder without a conscious. This shouldn’t be anything new to someone is versed in Edgar Alan Po’s literature because he is best known for his tales of mystery and macabre. Merriam-Webster definition of Macabre can be described as, â€Å"having death as a subject: comprising or including a personalized representation of death †. It can be said the character Monstresor has revenge saturating in his head, causing him to plot how he would kill Fortunato. There are indications that some ideas from Sigmund Freud can be seen throughout this short story. Sigmund Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to†¦show more content†¦It should be stated that this concept as drawn criticism from other theorist but nonetheless, Freud’s model has led to many advances in the field of psychology. This theory divides the mind into three structures which are the â€Å"id,†â€Å"ego,†and the â€Å"superego.†The â€Å"id†can consist of humanity’s most primitive desires to satisfy its biological needs unconsciously. Superego, which is also unconscious, contains the socially-induced conscience and counteracts the id with moral and ethical prohibitions. Then you have conscious ego which is the mediator between the two. A conscious mind is what someone is aware of at any given moment. For example, it is made aware to the readers that Fortunato had been drinking when Monstresor seen him at the carnival. It stated. â€Å"It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season, that I encountered my friend. He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much (Poe, 2008).†Then you have the preconscious which is â€Å"part of the mind below the threshold of immediate conscious awareness, from which memories and emotions that have not been repressed can be brought into the conscious field (psychoanalysis, 2o15).†It is also described as available memory and something can be easily remembered such rules. For Monstresor, his preconscious knew that a man like Fortunato would never pass up an opportunity to
Monday, December 16, 2019
Miss Brill Free Essays
The selected passage is from the end of the short story Miss Brill, beginning where Miss Brill sees the boy and girl who sits down on the bench near her right to the end of the story. In â€Å"Miss Brill,†by Katherine Mansfield, we are introduced to the titular woman called Miss Brill who finds Sundays magical until she is forced to step out of her daydream and face reality. Every Sunday Miss Brill, who is presumed to be an English school teacher, goes to the Jardins Publiques and takes her â€Å"special seat†to look forward to listening to the conversations of others. We will write a custom essay sample on Miss Brill or any similar topic only for you Order Now This lonely older woman eavesdrops on others and starts to view everything she observes on Sundays in the form of a choreographed theatrical performance in which everything, herself included, plays a role. This is a place where she feels as though she â€Å"belongs†, in a sort of unreal drama that is conjured up in her own mind. However, one Sunday her fantasy is shattered by the inconsiderate and harsh remarks of a young couple. Mansfield shows us how hurtful the truth can be to people who haven’t realized or accepted the reality in which they live. The narrative is focalized through the character of Miss Brill and this allows the reader to see what the character sees and feel what the character feels. Katherine Mansfield exhibits a detailed characterization of Miss Brill. We see everything through the eyes of Miss Brill, and through dramatic irony we often see or comprehend situations differently and perhaps more accurately than she does. Through it, it can be seen that in reality, Miss Brill is constantly by herself, she sits alone on a bench with her old fur that she seems to treasure more than anything and watches the world pass before her. The furpiece can be thought of as a symbol of the owner. Both are of an age and the appearance of the thing itself is wearing down, just as the frail Miss Brill is. She sees other people sitting on benches Sunday after Sunday and thinks of them as â€Å"funny†¦ odd, silent, nearly all old†¦ as though they’d just come from dark little rooms. †Rather than see herself as one of them, she creates a fantasy world to escape facing the truth. The two minor characters that appear in the excerpt are the boy and girl who sits down on the bench. They appear to be the â€Å"hero and heroine†of Miss Brills imagination as they were described as being â€Å"beautifully dressed; they were in love. The hero and heroine, of course, just arrived from his father’s yacht. †Katherine Mansfield used the two characters to reveal the fragility of Miss Brill by having her â€Å"prepared to listen†to what they say, even though in the end thetruth that they talk about hurts her deeply. The young couple ridiculesand make fun of the â€Å"stupid old thing at the end there,†and in that instant her dream crumbles. They voice a reality that Miss Brill has been running away from and as they say â€Å"why does she come here at all – who wants her? †Through the minor characters, Miss Brill’s delusional nature is revealed as she has been rejecting reality all this time, trying to hold on to her illusions. Yet also exhibiting her fragility when in after she hears the couple’s conversation, she ceases to be able to carry on per usual. After her fantasy world is shattered, Miss Brill solemnly walks home, passing up things that she used to look forward to like the slice of honey-cake that was her Sunday treat. She sits on her bed, puts the fur back in its box, and thinks she hears something crying. The fur is symbolic of something old and lonely that has lost its beauty over the years. The symbolism of putting the fur back in its box is like placing dreams away. And in the end, it is not the fur that is crying, but Miss Brill. Her fantasy is over and the truth of her sad reality sinks in to her. How to cite Miss Brill, Papers Miss Brill Free Essays Mansfield did a really good Job at using theme through characterization. She first used Miss Broil’s attitude and appearance. Miss. We will write a custom essay sample on Miss Brill or any similar topic only for you Order Now Brills was a very classy old lady, â€Å"Miss Brills was glad that she had decided on her fur. †Back in the period that Miss Brills lived, it was very elegant to wear a type of fur around your neck, this usually symbolized wealth. The theme here would be acceptance, this connects to the world because there is always that one piece of clothing everyone wants or wears as a status symbol. The author also uses characterization through action or incident when Miss Brills is in her own world acting as if she is part off play when two young people pull her back to reality. †It’s her if-our which is so funny, â€Å"giggled the girl. â€Å"It’s exactly like a fried whiting. †This shocks Miss Brills because she has never experienced insult before, she’s always controlling what she wants to see and hear. When the young couple makes fun of her fur she realizes that she doesn’t live in a fantasy and she has a hard time handling that. The theme here is reality. All of us have that escape, we can think of something and our whole attitude changes like Miss Brills, and maybe hat’s what some of us need an escape from the harsh world that is reality. The author portrayed Miss Brills as a very detailed emotional character from the beginning. The section that most symbolized that emotion was â€Å"on her way home she usually bought a slice of honey- cake at the baker’s. It was her Sunday treat; sometimes there was an almond in in her slice, sometimes not. It made a great difference. â€Å"If there was an almond it was like carrying home a little tiny present. †This one simple thing impacted her whole entire day. That single almond determined either or not she was going to have a good day or a bad day. It’s really sad that all Miss Brills had to look forward to what may be the possibility an almond in her honey- cake. This relates to society because there are a lot of people who are introverts, and rely on a tiny piece of glory like Miss Brills does. Human society is so obsessed with what we have going on that we don’t branch out and interact with other people, which makes it hard for people like Miss Brills to fit in or feel important. Tibias Wolff used characterization through Hunters in the snow really well, with Tub, Frank and Kenny. Tibias used the theme reflection for Tub as well as physical characterization, â€Å"You ought to see yourself,†the driver said. â€Å"He looks Just like a beach ball with a hat on, doesn’t he? Doesn’t he, Frank? †People Judge people everyday because of their weight, what clothes they wear, what backpack they have and whom they hang out with, our society is based on prejudices, seen in the real world as well as the book. Jenny’s characterization would definitely be through his dialogue because he was just like every bully in the world, â€Å"Okay,†Kenny said. â€Å"l wont say a word. Like I won’t say anything about a certain babysitter. †He’s using the theme of power he thinks he has with something someone willingly trusted him with and using it against him, people do this when they want something or they are Just rude. As for Frank his characterization and theme was shown through his emotion, â€Å"l mean _really_ in love. †He squeezed Tub’s wrist. â€Å"With your whole being. †Frank was a very emotional person, you saw it through the way he treated Tub, and he was torn because if he didn’t act like Kenny, Kenny would have mistreated his deepest secret. Frank also had relations with a babysitter, which he thought he loved; this may have Just been a cover up, for his unwillingness to want to grow older. She possibly made him feel alive again. This happens in real life too people get to a certain age where they want to feel young again, so they make modifications to their body and their life style. These authors did a really amazing Job at using characterization through their stories I really felt like I understood the characters and what they were going through and how it related to my life or the world around me. How to cite Miss Brill, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Influence of Online Advertisement free essay sample
The Influence of Online Advertisement Introduction Background of the Study Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local product? There have been many studies that focus on online advertisements in local products. 8 of these studies are examined by the group. 5 of these studies represent the growth of the online advertisements. 3 of these studies indicate the behavioural intention and negativity of online ad. The studies of Ha (2008). Tang Chi, (2005), Mccoy et al (2008), Galletta (2004) Goldfarb Tucker (2010), represent the growth of the online advertisements. The studies of Kugel, Havlena, Graham (2004), Wu (2007), Carlon, Ryan, Weledniger (2000), indicate the behavioral intention and negativity of online ad. Exposure to an online advertisement has value that can be thought to the students of UE Caloocan. Statement of the Problem This study attempts to answer the question: Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local product? Specifically, this study attempts to answer the following questions: 1. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local food? 2. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local clothing? 3. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local jewelry? 4. Does online advertising significantly influence students of the University of the East-Caloocan in patronizing local personal care? Significance of the Study This study is significant to the Academe, Advertisers, and Entrepreneur. It is Important to the Academe because the outcome of the study can be a source of information of the future students that will make a similar study. Apparently, this is significant to the Advertisers, to know the effectiveness and use this study as reference and for them to make an analysis base on the present studies about online ads. In line with this, this is important to the Entrepreneurs to design new way of selling products to see the difference between selling online and going to the mall to shop. Scope and Limitation The study covers the online advertisement local product. This means that only local food, clothing, jewelry, personal care. This does not include cellphones, computers etc. The respondents would be UE Caloocan college students from College of Arts and Sciences and College of Fine Arts. This study is expected to be resolved until the end of the second semester, Academic year 2010-2011. References: Gold farb, Avi Tucker, Catherine ( February, 2010). Online display Advertising Targeting and Obstrusiveness http://www. rotman. utoronto. a/~agoldfarb/GoldfarbTucker-intrusiveness. pdf Mccoy et al. (December, 2004). A Study of the Effects of Online Advertising: A Focus on Pop-Up and In-Line Ads http://interruptions. net/literature/McCoy-HCIRMIS04. pdf Chi, Wen hai Tang, Wen- Tze (2005, March). The Role of trust In Customer Online Shopping Behavior: Perspective of technology Acceptance Model http://www. casos. cs. cmu. edu/events/conferences/2005/2005_proceedings/Tang. pdf Pearson, Michael Green, David (2004, December). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Two Web Site Usability Instruments. ttp://www. linknet1. com/sighci/Research/ICIS2004/SIGHCI_2004_Proceedings_paper_4. pdf Wu, Guohua, (2007). Applying the rossiter-percy grid to online advertising planning: the role of product/brand type in previsit intentions. http://jiad. org/article95 Kugel, Christian, Havlena, Bill Graham Jeffrey (April, 2004). Decay Effects in Online Advertising: Quantifying the Impact of Time Since Last Exposure. http://www. dynamiclogic. com/na/research/industry_presentations/docs/Starcom_Dynamic_Logic_Decay. pdf Carlon, Michael, Ryan, Marc, Risa, Weledniger (October, 2000). The five Golden Rules of Online branding. http://www. dynamiclogic. com/DL_5gold_rules. pdf Ha, Luisa (2008). Online Advertising Research in Advertising Online Journals. Review. http://www. britannica. com/bps/additionalcontent/18/32183306/Online-Advertising-Research-in-Advertising-Journals-A-Review Chapter 2 Framework of the Study This chapter presents a review of literature related to this study, the theoretical and conceptual framework and hypotheses of this study, and a definition of special terms used in this study. Review of Related Studies A total of 9 studies related to the present study are reviewed in this section. Of the 9 studies, 2 have found that online advertisements significantly influence consumers in purchasing a product. While 7 have found that online advertisements do not significantly influence consumers in purchasing a product. The study of Desmond Minh Hou Poh shows that the findings suggest that the traditional advertising hierarchy of effects model is relevant in the online marketing environment, and that investment in online marketing communication can be evaluated using this stable and reliable method. It is, however, suggested that further research is needed to improve . (Minh Hou Poh, n. d. ) The remaining seven explains why online advertisements do not significantly influence consumers in purchasing a product. It explores the aptitude and potential of these applications as influencers of customer behavior and marketing instruments. Based on research findings and field experiences the article identifies the main ways corporations can use the social media as strategic marketing instruments. (Constantinides,2004:online) The study of Fangfang Diao and Shyam Sundar esults fully supported the proposition that pop-up ads elicit orienting responses. Ad recognition was lower whereas ad recall was higher for pop-up ads compared to banner ads. In addition to main effects, the data revealed several interaction effects, with implications for theory. (Diao Sundar,2004) Online product communities have emerged as an important forum for customers to interact amongst themselves as well as with t he firm. This study advances a new construct, online community experience (OCE) to enhance our understanding of customer interactions in such online product communities. The study proposes a research model that focuses on the impact of customers’ online community experience on their product-related perceptions and attitudes. The model also identifies the antecedents or determinants of customers’ online community experience. (Nambisan,2004:online) Theoretical Framework The theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by ‘shooting’ or ‘injecting’ them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response. Both images used to express this theory (a bullet and a needle) suggest a powerful and direct flow of information from the sender to the receiver. The bullet theory graphically suggests that the message is a bullet, fired from the media gun into the viewers head. With similarly emotive imagery the hypodermic needle model suggests that media messages are injected straight into a passive audience which is immediately influenced by the message. They express the view that the media is a dangerous means of communicating an idea because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the message. There is no escape from the effect of the message in these models. The population is seen as a sitting duck. People are seen as passive and are seen as having a lot media material shot at them. People end up thinking what they are told because there is no other source of information. New assessments that the Magic Bullet Theory was not accurate came out of election studies in The Peoples Choice, (Lazarsfeld, Berelson and Gaudet, 1944/1968). The project was conducted during the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940
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